The Masterplan

In 2021, the city of Charleroi and the Walloon Region have validated a Masterplan that aims to give a new image to the territory of the Porte Ouest by 2050. This dynamic masterplan, which adapts itself to the new challenges of the future and the needs of the population, will come to life as a territorial and economic development park.

This tool aims at setting all the objectives and founding values of the masterplan to be recognized by all the actors. In economic terms, it is a matter of strengthening the attractiveness and livability, by seeking an overlay of programs and a mix of functions.

By 2026/2040, the Porte-Ouest territorial and economic park will be structured around 5 main entities:

1/ "Le Phare Ouest", the metropolitan park

2/ La Centrale and its Cleantech District

3/ The Urban Port

4/ The District of the Future

5/ A system of public spaces, culture and landscapes

In this context, La Centrale and its Cleantech District aim to:

1/ Facilitate the transition towards decarbonation of Walloon companies and Charleroi Metropole

2/ Become a place of excellence in Wallonia, Belgium and Europe around specific Cleantech themes

3/ Become a platform for innovation, incubation and training in Cleantech

4/ Become the first territorial Cleantech Wallonia hub

Let’s work together!